"Ian" == Ian Eiloart <iane@sussex.ac.uk> writes:
Ian> However, MacOSX and MacOSX Server have python Python 2.3 (#1,
Ian> Sep 13 2003, 00:49:11), so requiring 2.4 could cause pain for
Ian> anyone with a Mac installation of Mailman.
I'm not going to deprecate someone else's pain, but (1) Apple already has a couple of "multi-version" applications standard (in particular, GCC, see the gcc_select utility), and (2) I'm currently having no problem with coexistence among the Apple-provided Python, two Fink versions (2.2 and 2.3), and a DarwinPorts version (2.3). I don't know about Fink, but DarwinPorts has been providing a 2.4 package since the alphas started (and maybe before).
Both Fink and DarwinPorts have their issues, but so far Python isn't one of them. (Actually, only ghc and the X distributions have given me any trouble at all in DarwinPorts, and my issues with Fink mostly are of the form "too many applications that don't need to be linked to GNOME are linked to GNOME".)
So it may not be all that difficult for admins of Apple boxes to work around this.
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