On 3/12/19 4:17 AM, Aaryan Bhagat wrote:
In "bounce.py" in "mailman/src/mailman/runners"
There is a comment in line 75 of this file states--------- The addresses will come back from flufl.bounce as bytes/8-bit strings, but we must store them as unicodes in the database. Assume utf-8 encoding, but be cautious.
Reply by Mark Sapiro
There are two kinds of bounces. There are failures in SMTP delivery from Mailman to the MTA. These are all handled by the outgoing runner. 5xx permanent failures are registered as bounces and 4xx temporary failures are retried. The other kind are DSNs of some type returned to a LIST-bounces address. These are processed by flufl.bounce <https://gitlab.com/warsaw/flufl.bounce/> which determines whether the failure is temporary or permanent and reports that to the bounce runner.
Since there are two types of bounces. What is the return format of the first type ( failures in SMTP )? Do we need some encoding to their response also?
You are focusing on the wrong thing. All the existing code is doing the right thing. It is the part that isn't implemented you that you need to be concerned with. I.e., once a bounce event is recorded, what do we do next.
-- Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan