Alessandro Vesely writes:
Yes, RDAP is WHOIS with a machine-readable format. In both cases, a name retrieved from a public domain name registry (DNR) is an "organizational" domain.
Yes, but my understanding of the discussions on the DMARC list leading to use of the PSL in RFC 7843 is that organizational domain != administrative domain, and that's why the existing whois wasn't sufficient to replace the PSL. Did I miss something?
Thank you for sharing your insights
And you too!
I will take a look at the DBOUNDS discussion mentioned by John, as well as tracking the progress of RDAP.
-- Associate Professor Division of Policy and Planning Science http://turnbull/sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Faculty of Systems and Information Email: turnbull@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp University of Tsukuba Tel: 029-853-5175 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN