Currently, I have been trying to run a working instance of Mailman up and running. I have edited the mailman.cfg
file enabling devmode.
The current output of mailman info
command is the following
GNU Mailman 3.2.3 (La Villa Strangiato) Python 3.7.1 (default, Dec 14 2018, 19:28:38) [GCC 7.3.0] config file: /home/aaryan/mailman/mailman-suite/mailman-suite_project/var/etc/mailman.cfg db url: sqlite:////home/aaryan/mailman/mailman-suite/mailman-suite_project/var/data/mailman.db devmode: ENABLED REST root url: http://localhost:8001/3.1/ REST credentials: restadmin:restpass
Still, after when I created the superuser
and tried to log in after as superuser after hosting up a local instance, it says
Verify your email address We have sent an e-mail to you for verification. Follow the link provided to finalize the signup process. Please contact us if you do not receive it within a few minutes.
This should not be the expected behaviour in devmode right? It should bypass this I believe. Am I missing something here?