June 29, 2000
2:45 a.m.
"RK" == Ricardo Kustner <ricardo@rixhq.nu> writes:
RK> I'm running the latest cvs (just updated again this morning
RK> just to be sure) but their doesn't seem to be any more posts
RK> being send out on the list?? they all arrive on the approval
RK> page, but once approved they vanish into nothing... I'm not
RK> sure how long this has been going on though... anybody else
RK> having the same trouble?
Take a look in the qfiles directory. Do you see a bunch of files with really long names and extensions .msg and .db? You must reload the crontab.in file to get all the new cron scripts running at the right intervals. Of primary importance is qrunner which clears the messages waiting in qfiles.
This is documented in the UPGRADING file, which I know no one will read. Be prepared to answer this question over and over again. ;)