Barry Warsaw writes:
I can also work on Postorius. Also in this vein I have a question. Should the DMARC settings be added to the Alter Messages tab in the List Settings view or would it be better to have a separate DMARC Mitigations tab.
My gut reaction is to add a separate DMARC Mitigations tab, but Florian and Terri have final say I think.
I would find it more natural to have "Posting Policy" (which would include posting filters on size and list membership, as well as message alterations such as removing .exe files and enforcing plain text by removing or rendering HTML parts), and "Malware Mitigation", which would include IP, domain, and mailbox filters as well as DMARC. I think DMARC mitigation is probably too special to deserve its own tab.
Probably this is way too much reorganization to do at this point, but I'd like to keep this point in mind. We are already getting reports that configuration options are hard to find just because it's different from Mailman 2. I suspect that the REST API is sufficiently flexible and regular that we'll be tempted to proliferate options, so let's try to keep them organized.