Shashikanth Komandoor writes:
I am developing an application on which just clicking on submit
with some input values loaded should invoke the REST API of Mailman 3 running on another server and do some activities like adding of user(s) to a list or removal of user(s) from a list or so.
Is it possible to do so ? If so, how ?
It's possible. The REST API itself is documented here:
I haven't tried the examples with curl, but they probably should work; I don't think you need any special HTTP headers or anything like that.
The "another server" part is possible, but a bad idea in production because the REST API is 100% not authenticated. Security is maintained by running any applications that access the REST API on the same host. If you really want to do this, it's explained in this thread:
Note that the context of this thread is a development environment and the idea is to restrict access to a small LAN.