has anyone tried to use mod_layout or one of the templating systems
I wonder how mod_layout differs from the normal SSI stuff ;-)
with mailman (and/or any python cgis?) -- we had the discussion a while back about graphic designs for virtual hosted sites, and it came to me today that if one of these wrapper packages works with python stuff, it might solve this problem without hacking it into mailman...
I actually would prefer some mailman solution. I once looked at it and wondered if I could add it by using my htmlPARSER stuff (http://heimat.de/mrtopf/htmlparser/). I just did not find the time to do it.. (Once I also thought about some Zope interface but the same happened..) Though it's still on the list of thing I want to do sometime ;-)
cheers, Christian
-- COM.lounge http://comlounge.net/ communication & design cs@comlounge.net