"KM" == Ken Manheimer <klm@cnri.reston.va.us> writes:
KM> As someone suggested (in a subsequent note, i think - i'm
KM> catching up on ones i've previously scanned, here), i mention
KM> in the short description that "poster" is *strongly*
KM> recommended, and included a bit more explanation and the URL
KM> barry came up with in the long description.
The biggest problem that I have with Reply-to munging is that I use Reply-to to control which of many inboxes I want replies to show up at. I think this is a valid for this header by end-users. Other people use it because their mail s/w is broken beyond their repair. I've had people who just cannot convince their sysadmins to fix their mailers but still want people to be able to reply to them. So they add a Reply-to they know to be valid. If Mailman munges Reply-to it's possible that those folks will just lose their messages. So at the very least, if optional Reply-to is enabled, Mailman shouldn't add or change a Reply-to if the original message had this header.
KM> (And while i'm at it, someone might enjoy seeing the
KM> refinement of the long description presentation i made last
KM> week - the gui presentation of the current setting is used,
KM> instead of the data values. See
KM> http://www.python.org/mailman/admin/postal and click on one of
KM> the 'details' for an example...)
Not bad!
KM> This would not be hard! Also would not be high priority. And
KM> i have to say, when streaming through my inbox, i often use
KM> the fact that i got a message twice as the cue that i'm among
KM> the direct recipients (something i noticed a lot today with
KM> mailman-developer's mail:). I'm not sure i'd want to be
KM> without this, despite the inbox clutter...
It might be a pain (or slow) but a per-user option to control this would be the way to go.