On Sat, 2008-03-29 at 01:18 +0000, Julian Mehnle wrote:
blacklists are under control of the operators of the lists who guarantee no due process and are accountable to no one.
Who says that benevolent-dictator blacklists cannot be an effective response to the spam prolem?
And of course it is untrue that these benevolent dictators are accountable to no one. They are accountable to the users of their blacklists.
Absolutely! I use a mix of 6 advisroy blacklists on my mail server. For my personal account, these stop about 80% of the spam sent to me, and probably a similar percentage for my customers and my mailing lists. I haven't had a complaint about a false positive from these blacklists in well over a year. The last time I got such a report was on an IP address blocked because it was listed by Spamcop - one of several false positives from this source. I dropped Spamcop from the mix and have had no such problems since then.
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