Google's Season of Docs is here and I'm thinking I will try and participate.
I've got my eye on the MailMan program as of now, something I think is a very powerful way to manage email lists using standard tools.
Often the best note system is to write to yourself. Or maybe some other personas.
MacOS has postfix installed by default, did you know what? Imagine a swarm of messages going to different accounts on the same system. Internal messaging system, powered by working software with no arbitrary limits and resources as the signalling system. Now that's an extenable, high level messaging system similar to the plumbing system on plan9. Having a high level interface for that might be interesting.
Now I wonder if .forward files work with pipes in postfix on MacOS by default…
I will be looking over the pages more thoroughly with regards to what is wanted to be documented this year, but I thought I would introduce myself.
Burton Samograd