At 11:32 AM 2/9/2003, Robby Griffin wrote:
Didn't help ... it seems to have something to do with the length of the subject line. A long subject gets wrapped around to the next line of the message. Hmm. Yes, it does. Perhaps you should have a look at RFC2822, section 2.2.3, and then try to identify a specific problem with subject wrapping.
I have no problem with the subject getting wrapped ... however I do have a problem with the WAY the subject is getting wrapped.
In the examples I posted, the messages entire subject was getting wrapped to another line ... it was not getting wrapped when the text exceeded a specific length. This has the affect of making most mail client software (that I'm using, Eudora and Squirrelmail) showing a blank subject or just the subject prefix.
-- | Internet: david@midrange.com | WWW: http://david.fallingrock.net | AIM: MidrangeMan | | We're not in the middle of nowhere... | we're on the outskirts of everywhere! | - DMRoth (adapted)