What is the incantation for enabling an external archiving service? Currently I only see this in mailman.cfg after following 5 minute guide.
[runner.archive] class: mailman.runners.archive.ArchiveRunner
archivers are configured site-wide, so there's almost nothing to expose in the web-ui.
I'm worried about confusion. The last thing we want is for a list to be accidentally archived contrary to the list administrator's wish. It sounds scary to me not to have any indication whatsoever in the web interface.
Along similar lines, there seems opportunity for confusion if there are two independent mechanisms for archival; site wide configuration and also manually subscribing an archival subscriber such as archive@mail-archive.com. I can imagine someone turning off just one of these two mechanisms then being surprised that it had no practical effect.
Finally, it sounds like there are architectural reasons for having archiving a site-wide configuration. But I do think list admins would appreciate some sort per list GUI option, to easily distinguish between public and private lists. These are often different folks from the sysadmin who can apt-get install mailman without giving a first glance at the mailman.cfg file.