On February 1, 2019 2:32:34 AM GMT+05:30, Terri Oda <terri@toybox.ca> wrote:
On January 31, 2019 11:43:52 a.m. PST, "Stephen J. Turnbull" <turnbull.stephen.fw@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
Hey all
We need to decide if we're going to go under the PSF umbrella or if we want to go standalone.
I recommend trying standalone and using the psf as a backup, as usual, but we're happy to have you either way. If you need me to backup org admin for mailman, send the request to ostraya@gmail.com because i can't org admin two orgs from the same account. (My second account is the Google approved solution)
The real advantages to the standalone are two tickets (most expenses paid by Google) to the Mentor Summit, and the $500/student gift to Mailman. But it's more work and lower chance of acceptance.
Honestly, it's not much more work (just one more form of answers for Google) and your chance of acceptance is still moderately high. Scuttlebutt is that most rejected orgs have terrible ideas pages, and Python doesn't allow that anyhow. Stephen, you can see the answers Python gave in the shared Google drive from previous years if you need to crib from something.
For PSF, we need to have project and idea pages up by Monday IIRC. I think Google's deadline is a couple days later.
It's possible you have some sway with the PSF org admin team and could get away with being late with us. ;) But we do have students looking already so sooner is better!
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I am up for being the org admin this year. I can add Terry as the backup org admin and invite Steve as mentor.
I will try yo get to creating the Ideas page today and fill it up with some ideas today. I am currently in India for next 2 more days, but I will try my best. If people have ideas, feel free to send a reply on this thread and I will take care of grooming it a little and expanding details (ofc, if I understand the projects).
Some ideas in my mind include:
- Add support for moderation of threads and messages in HK. (I have ideas on how to do this :-)
- Add support for bounce processing in Core.
- Add Rest Callback support in Core to send events to API Clients like HK and P. The details on how to do this is a little fuzzy in my head, so this is something I consider medium/hard thing.
Given our mentor pool (me and Steve), I expect only 1 project for us. I would be very happy to have more mentors and can myself backup as a mentor for one another project.
thanks, Abhilash (Sending from mobile device, please excuse top posting)
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.