On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 12:42:29PM +0200, Vizi Szilard wrote:
Previosly I asked Barry, but he could not answer yet.
I have installed to my machine the latest version from the CVS beside to the perfectly working 2.0.5. I want to play with the newest version, but I do not want to bust up the working version. So I used the following options in the configure: ./configure --prefix=/home/mailman2 --with-username=mailman2 --with-groupname= mailman2 --with-cgi-gid=233 --with-mail-gid=12
In the Apache conf for the ScriptAlias I gave /mailman2 since /mailman is for the version 2.0.5. I changed the crontab to prevent 2 different versions running in the same time.
Mailman in the new directory working almost perfectly, but when I click to a link the url would be like this (eg. in the listinfo page): http://tatooin.sol.vein.hu/mailman/admin But it have to be like this for the proper working: http://tatooin.sol.vein.hu/mailman2/admin
So I could not play with the beta version. Any suggestion how can I solve this problem? (You can take a look at this problem in the above URLs, if our net is working. The bad weathers ruined our network early on this week.)
Try editing 'DEFAULT_URL' in Mailman/Defaults.py.
-- Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net>
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