In article <20170510120723.xgg3apmj65cmvy3z@sys4.de> you write:
I'm not sure if anyone has followed development of RFC 8058 "Signaling One-Click Functionality for List Email Headers" located at <https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8058.txt> and brought this topic up on this list.
Is that something mailman(2|3) should support? To me it looks useful.
It would certainly make it easier to deal with grumpy gmail users, since gmail does not provide junk button feedback.
The disadvantage is that every recipient needs to get a separate copy of each message, because the list and user info has to be encoded in the list-unsubscribe URL. That's been standard in commercial e-mail for a decade, but a lot of discussion list operators still imagine that it's too slow.
R's, John