Hi Burton!
Burton Samograd writes:
Google's Season of Docs is here and I'm thinking I will try and participate.
Thank you for your interest.
As far as I can tell, that URL leads to a fresh instance of the application app, not to your application. I do not think there is any way for us to access it. I think if *you* are logged in, you may get the filled-out application, but I don't.
Please see our Ideas page https://wiki.list.org/DEV/SeasonOfDocs2019, and the Proposal Template linked at that top of that page.
MacOS has postfix installed by default, did you know what?
Yes ... but don't get ahead of yourself. ;-) Season of Docs is about producing descriptions of what the existing code does, not producing new code.
Steve Org admin and mentor, GSoD 2019
-- Associate Professor Division of Policy and Planning Science http://turnbull.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Faculty of Systems and Information Email: turnbull@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp University of Tsukuba Tel: 029-853-5175 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN