Yes that’s a reasonable line of thought Stephen. You are correct I haven’t made any attempt to integrate with enterprise auth systems. Also, I’ll avoid describing my auth server as ‘the auth server’.
Is there anything that would define what sort of functionality is required for enterprise integration?
The two things that I’ve suggested might be worth including in the core are hopefully of broad value and not specific only to what I’m doing. (rounding out the permissions, with serverowner and domainowner, including an application data table that stores keys and values).
On 22 Feb 2015, at 9:36 pm, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen@xemacs.org> wrote:
Andrew Stuart writes:
Do you think this has to be integrated into the core for 3.0? I'd still prefer to keep it separate for better experimentation and testing.
the alternative for me is to go ahead with deploying application data and domainowner and serverowner into the auth server,
I disagree with the implicit assumption right there. From Mailman's point of view, this is *Andrew's* auth server, not *the* auth server. If we're serious about serving the enterprise, we need to figure these things out、because Mailman is going to need to plug into an existing auth and user database system.
I don't know if we care any more, but enterprise integration used to be a goal. It's still a requirement of some of our most loyal users (universities, who FAQ us about using their databases to populate lists for classes etc every year).