Sept. 14, 2000
12:57 a.m.
"DC" == David Champion <dgc@uchicago.edu> writes:
| Looks like line 121 of scripts/driver needs to say
| from Mailman.Version import VERSION
| instead of
| from Mailman.mm_cfg import VERSION
DC> I know enough python to club myself in the head, but I think I
DC> hit this one because I had a bug (since resolved) in
DC> Defaults.py.[1] If Defaults.py or mm_cfg.py have a traceback
DC> error, this looks like it will come up. By importing VERSION
DC> explicitly as below, you at least can get the trace
DC> informationon the _original_ problem. If it's inherited from
DC> Defaults.py, then you still get this problem.
DC> [1] If you're curious, I modify Defaults.py to have a separate
DC> data area from the mailman installation directory.
Please note that you should never edit Defaults.py. Put all your site configurations in mm_cfg.py, which will override the settings in Defaults.py.