On Nov 1, 2009, at 11:59 PM, Brian J Mingus wrote:
Perhaps the failure of the mailman dev team to attract community participation can be related not to any crazy versioning scheme but
rather to a failure to engage with the community. I have only recently
subscribed to this list and I can say that you and every other person that read
my e-mail saw fit to ignore it. Your null hypothesis, namely that
people who send questions and not patches to the list are not worth your time,
costs you dearly in the long run.
Hi Brian,
I'm sorry, but I don't remember seeing your message on the list. For
any misunderstandings like this, I take full blame and
responsibility. I can say that I value all contributions from the
community, whether it be in the form of questions, patches,
complaints, kudos, or stacks of dollar bills. :)
I think the mailman-developers list is fairly typical for an open
source project. I invite you to repost your message and this time
I'll keep an eye out for it.