New to this list but checked FAQ. Was not able to find solution. I am using mailman from CVS and this bug seems to be unfixed.
We are running company with 200 computer workstations and over 20 lists on mailman. Once our user was able to prove, that sometime mailman just deletes the subject. Instead of original subject we have "[foo] (no subject)".
My first reaction was to upgrade mailman. I did "cvs update" and behaviour changed - no mails come through from this user. I believe after many tests I knopw what is the issue but I do not want to dig into Python code. Hope, someone else can fix it.
We are located in Estonia and our native language uses some unique characters ä and õ (in HTML terms). At some point Microsoft invented new charset "Windows-1257" while actually "ISO8859-15" covers our needs. Many kind of software tries to interpret charsets and gets confused on pretty usual characters because this "windows-1257".
I have no power to make different people change their country settings. Only way is to make software act different when unknown charset appears. Mailman currently "eats" characters with unknown charsets and this is bad for us.
Original mail subject line in raw data:
Subject: =?windows-1257?Q?FW:_=E4=E4test_kustutage_=E4ra?=
And this makes mailman to loose mail. With latest version it archives mail without subject and never sends it out to subscribers. No error messages sent to anyone indicating mail loss. In some point it saved this mail in "shunt" folder but mail lost without any tracks after "unshunt" command.
Any fixes? ideas? I propose to include bytes from unknown charsets in redistributed mails. If this seems not possible, read "windows-1257" as ISO8859-15 and I think it will work for most cases.
-- Tonu Samuel <>