- Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen@xemacs.org>:
Rajeev S writes:
Also maybe you can try making your tool a little more smart? Like lets say I try to create a list abhilash@raj.com and there is no domain raj.com in the database, so instead of just showing error maybe you can ask the user:
"The domain raj.com does not exist, Do you want to create one? [y/n]"
I'm not sure I like this approach. Creating a domain should be a heavyweight operation, and eventually should include a bunch of sanity checks, like existence of domains and MX records. I have visions (nightmares) of users coming to us saying
User: I said yes, but mail never arrives. Dev: .... Oh, is there a proper entry in the DNS? User: Doesn't Mailman create the domain?
I doubt anyone that igorant of e-mail and how it works will ever make it to the MM3 command line client, but yes, such cases do exist. We should have public pillory that receives name, mail and date, whenever someone confirms the above question. ;)
However I think the use case "prepare Mailman to handle mail for a domain it doesn't handle mail for yet" exists and we should find a way to deal with it.
Perhaps we could improve this, if we used better wording that doesn't lead the operator to believe Mailman will connect a domain, setup DNS, do all the other foo and finally configure it self to handle mailing lists for that domain?
Or maybe it could schedule a deletion after a pre-defined time with a reasonable default lets say "1 Day"? And for an urgency(to delete) there
Deleting a list/domain requires an (internal) scheduler. Does Mailman have one? A broom job that can be called via cron?
could be --force argument?
Deleting a list should be immediate, but I agree it should be confirmed.
... and it should be possible to pass the confirmation in the command to make it useful in scripts.
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