Brian J Mingus wrote:
Perhaps the failure of the mailman dev team to attract community participation can be related not to any crazy versioning scheme but rather to a failure to engage with the community. I have only recently subscribed to this list
You are subscribed to mailman-users, not mailman-developers.
and I can say that you and every other person that read my e-mail saw fit to ignore it.
Not true. There have been extreme moderation delays recently and your post was only delivered to the mailman-users list on Sunday and it has not been ignored.
I apologize for the moderation delay. We have added more resources to the task which we hope will help.
Your null hypothesis, namely that people who send questions and not patches to the list are not worth your time, costs you dearly in the long run.
If you read the archives of the mailman-users and mailman-developers lists, I think you'll find that the above statement is unjustified.
Further, during the moderation delay, I had an irc conversation on #mailman with someone about the subject of your original mailman-users post. Was that you? Does that seem like I think your issue is not worth my time?
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan