Hey Steve,
вс, 20 дек. 2020 г., 6:03 Stephen J. Turnbull < turnbull.stephen.fw@u.tsukuba.ac.jp>:
Danil Smirnov writes:
But how about that idea to offload Postfix-Mailman communication from a filesystem to a network using Postfix socketmap_tables feature which I like a lot as it allows me to get rid of using any shared volumes in the stack completely - it's quite convenient in multi-host setups like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes...
Would you be willing to write up a description of your configuration that we can add to the wiki and/or documentation? Communication in multihost setups, especially those intended to isolate hosts exposed to the internet from the intranet, is a sore point for us since Mailman 3 is really designed as a single-host, three application system.
Sorry for the confusion - I should write "would allow" instead of "allows" as using socketmap_table would be a great feature but it obviously requires a new endpoint in Mailman core which does not exist yet.
I've experimented a lot with Mailman 3 in Kubernetes and I've faced only two disappointing issues: 1) HK whitelisting mechanism <https://gitlab.com/mailman/hyperkitty/-/issues/18> which makes no sense in a dynamic Kubernetes environment and 2) a shared volume, which is needed for Core and Postfix to communicate.
Otherwise everything looks fine and with those two issues resolved/mitigated there is no problem to deploy Mailman 3 in Kubernetes, I can prepare an example Helm chart for it.