Bugs item #608524, was opened at 2002-09-12 14:49 You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=100103&aid=608524&group_id=103
Category: mail delivery Group: 2.0.x Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 5 Submitted By: Jozeph Brasil (jozeph) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: QRUNNER is fucking the machine perform..
Initial Comment: Hello Everybody,
I'm with a big problem... :(
I'm running mailman-2.0.13-1U70_1cl under python-2.1-14cl with gcc-2.95.3-20U70_1cl in an IBM NETFINITY 300 PIII 500 XEXON with 64MiB.
When qrunner starts the proccess my machine stay totally SLOWLY... Look the qrunner proccess:
mailman 12365 95.7 51.2 32340 30092 tty1 R 15:27 4:37 python -S cron/qrunner
How you can see... look at the CPU / MEM usage... I need to wait more less 30 minutes to qrunner stop the proccess and... In qfiles directory have only 10 or 15 messages in delivery...
Anyone have idea what's up? How fix that?
PS: I disable my mailman at moment... :(
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