Hi Barry,
On Wed, Dec 31, 2003 at 01:21:50PM -0500, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
I have released Mailman 2.1.4, a bug fix
Great, thanks for the continous good work!
- Rework the SMTP error handling in SMTPDirect.py to avoid scoring bounces for all recipients when a permanent error code is returned by the mail server (e.g. because of content restrictions).
Important improvement!
- Proper RFC quoting for List-ID descriptions.
Checking the following diff,
I think that 996 would be a more reasonable line length and maxlinelen=10000 is a bug in the current 2.1.4 code. It creates the chance that mailman creates lines which are longer than 998 characters, potentially violating section 2.1.1 Line Length Limits of RFC 2822.
The sad part is that my bug report [ 665732 ] having my corresponding patch http://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=103&atid=100103&file_id=57904&aid=665732 containing my analysis somehow has been overlooked. I took some time to actually look up the RFC when writing the patch. Seeing that work being wasted is a bit demotivating.
Nevertheless, what about an 2.0.14 release (yes 2._0_.14)? Many people still run older releases and bug #726736 is a real showstopper.
I still believe bug #815297 to be an important one, because it destroys the email signature security.
Regards, Bernhard