---------- Original Message ----------- From: Ian Eiloart <iane@sussex.ac.uk> To: Bob Puff <bob@nleaudio.com>, Mailman-Developers@python.org Sent: Tue, 02 Jun 2009 10:49:39 +0100 Subject: Re: [Mailman-Developers] very large lists
--On 2 June 2009 00:16:39 -0400 Bob Puff <bob@nleaudio.com> wrote:
Hi gang,
I have a customer who wants a one-way distribution list set up that will handle millions of recipients... like 10 million. It is a double opt-in, and its not spam.. <g>
I'm thinking this is probably too much for MM 2 to handle. Will MM3 be able to scale to this size?
If anyone has suggestions for me for current software that can do this, feel free to email me off-list. Bounce processing is important, as is user management.
You've not specified the problem very clearly. How frequently do you expect to send messages to this list? Do you have several lists? How urgent are the messages? Do they need to be delivered in the space of a few minutes, hours, or days?
Hi Ian,
The problem I've seen is that with the "large" lists I have now (up to 10,000), python is the dominate process taking up time. I recall there being some discussion about how the list data files are locked during bounce processing, preventing parallel processes from doing much.
I'm not sure its physically possible to deliver a million emails in a matter of a few minutes or even a few hours, unless its a bot-net! :-) Even on a 100mb link, I would expect more on the order of many hours. Messages would be sent at a maximum of one per week.
If you don't need personalised messages, then you can do the VERP in your MTA. That should make it much more feasible. Configure Mailman with several parallel queue runners to prevent messages to large lists from holding up messages to small lists.
What and where would be the config statement specifying the number of queue runners?