I am the packager of Mailman 2.x for FreeBSD and am reporting two issues and have two questions:
I1: It would seem the Spanish translation has regressed with 2.1.31, and fails to build on FreeBSD 12.1:
/usr/local/bin/python2.7 ../build/bin/msgfmt.py -o es/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.mo es/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po Traceback (most recent call last): File "../build/bin/msgfmt.py", line 203, in <module> main() File "../build/bin/msgfmt.py", line 199, in main make(filename, outfile) File "../build/bin/msgfmt.py", line 151, in make l = eval(l) File "<string>", line 1 " direcci�n de rebote cuando se usa "responder a todos"), as� que puede ser \n" ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax *** Error code 1 (ignored)
There should be \" around 'responder a todos', not simple ". Future releases should test build the translations. (Am doing that in FreeBSD.)
I2: Then, none of the mailman.po files was updated for the security fix, and in FreeBSD, I am using sed for a machine edit, where WRKSRC is the directory that the code is unpacked into (including the mailman-2.1.* prefix/), and sed -E switches to modern regexps:
sed -E -e '/Illegal Email Address:/,+1s/ *. %\(safeuser\)s//'
Q1: how about the htdig patches? 1813 does not seem to be on par with 2.1.31. I am using the 2.1.30 patches (version 1812) for now.
Q2: Is the CVE from 2018 going to be used for this vuln or will there be a new CVE number assigned?
Regards, Matthias