Hi, everybody
I would like to have Mailman participate in GSoC as a regular organization this year (as I mentioned earlier I'd like to go to the GSoC Mentor Summit if they have one -- I'm not *presuming* I'd be one of the ones to go, but 2 out of 3 or 4 seems like a better bet than one of the org admins at PSF doesn't go and then 1 out of 100+ PSF mentors ;-).
The deadline for organization applications is Feb 19, and I'll probably get started on it tomorrow or Sunday.
I think Abhilash already said he is in, so that's enough for me to get started on the application. Any objections from Mailman core? Anybody in or out of core interested in mentoring? If you're interested but not sure what it involves, feel free to ask me.
Obviously some Python programming ability and familiarity with the Mailman 3 codebase are important, but you don't have to be a Python or Mailman core hacker to have a role, eg as a backup mentor, or helping set up a development environment.