I'm wondering how easy it would be to inject (before delivery, but having gone through/during processing by Mailman) an header based something around X-List-Post-Archive-URI: -- the idea being a unique URI (permalinkable) for each message, for each list, that has archiving enabled.
My initial thought is to use the message's Message-ID as the header to use, prefixed with URI-to-list-archive:
e.g., for Message-ID: <20090406133924.GE18880@amyl.org.uk> sent to the list 'hummm' and lists.example.org, using pipermail (and a public archive):
X-List-Post-Arhive-URI: <http://lists.example.org/pipermail/hummm/20090406133924.GE18880@amyl.org.uk>
Admitedly, these aren't the shortest URIs, but there are services for shrinking those.
The reason I'm thinking of this is because I can't always be bothered hunting through the web-archive to send a link to a list-post: shoving it in the headers would be quite useful, I'd imagine.
Any thoughts from others on (a) stupidity/value (b) ease of doing; (c) desire from other list-admins/list-users; (d) being bothered to code it ?
-- ``Many people would sooner die than think. In fact, they do.'' (Bertrand Russell)