Hi everyone,
Here's an update for week 10:
For this week, I uploaded my work on GitLab. Since I’ve written my work in the .docx format, I have to restructure them as Mailman documentation uses .rst format. This is the first time that my mentors are seeing my work and I’m still waiting for their feedback on that. But I do hope that they like my straightforward and concise approach when it comes to writing. Either way, I’m open to criticisms.
As for the challenge part, I got my braces this week. So the first three days was filled with pain, slept most of the time. I couldn’t write anything. But after three days, I bounced back and continued writing.
Week 10 update can be viewed here: https://medium.com/@ariessa_norramli/google-season-of-docs-week-10-update-b3239cd81586?source=friends_link&sk=e32d3e56b8b9a792235ce8eb0b1df160
Thank you.
Best Regards, Ariessa Norramli