Hi All, I, Aman Parnami, a Google SOC student working in Geeklog, have been assigned the job of developing a Plugin to Geeklog for integrating List/User Moderation,Subscription, Administration etc. features of Mailman with Geeklog Project using REST Api.
An abstract of the project idea can be found at: http://code.google.com/soc/2008/geeklog/appinfo.html?csaid=B75B38A30800A2E1
I am grateful for co-operation of Barry and Maki. I would love to hear some suggestions/ideas from Mailman Community on any thing remotely related to the idea briefed above.
I hope that if this project completes successfully, not only will the Geeklog community be benefited, it will pave the path for use of Mailman with other such projects and thus increasing it's user base.
Aman Parnami Computer Sc & Engg Indian Institute of Technology Bombay