I'm a Savane (gna.org/p/savane) developer, and we noticed that when we send mail with newlines in the \r\n format, Mailman converts them to \n\n.
I would like to get your point on what we should do to fix the problem. I had a look at RFC 822; the EOL (end of line) description is not very clear, but it seems that the standard EOL convention is \r\n (CRLF).
The issue can be fixed if I make Savane convert all \r\n to \n before to send the notifications, but I am not sure this is very compliant. Anyway I do think this is a bug in Mailman. What do you think we (Mailman and Savane) should do?
I posted a detailed bug report at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1151439&group_id=103&at +id=100103 for more information. The Savane bug report counterpart is at: https://gna.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=1980
-- Sylvain