I don't know about your system, but at least on mine, Mailman/Python are only working for a few seconds. The rest of the time the MTA is busy sending out all the mail, and -that- is where you hope no problems are when you reboot. Generally, the current MTAs are pretty good at handling this.
Barry Warsaw wrote:
On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 17:32, Somuchfun wrote:
So what happens when the server is normally rebooted? Does mailman remember where it stopped? Does it start all over again? Or is the mailing just gone?
If you run "mailmanctl stop" first, as should happen when you change run levels if you've installed the mailman init script, the qrunners will get a Python exception, which they'll catch. That should cause them to re-queue the files and restart where they left off.
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