Barry Warsaw wrote: | noskcaJ leahciM wrote: | > GDPR is nearing the last 7 months of its 2 year transitional | > implementation before becoming part of the law in EU countries (inc., | > despite Brexit, the UK), affecting 0.5bn citizens together with US | > enterprises in under Privacy Shield (replacing Safe Harbour) as well as | > enterprises in EEA member countries and, outside of the EEA, countries | > whose privacy laws have been assessed for adequacy. Operators of lists | > such as MM are as much called-to-account as are the vast corporations | > behind popular social media that currently absolve themselves as being | > mere publishers. | | GDRP may be well-intentioned, and may even be a good idea, but I know | for a fact that many organizations both commercial and volunteer are | struggling mightily to comply within the required timeframe. I suspect | that many such organization will simply not be able to comply.
No disagreement there then. (I've written a paper predicting it based on an estimate of current non-compliance with the existing Data Protection Act in the UK, 20 years after it came onto the UK's statute book. German-speaking countries have had existing tighter rules so will be in better-shape, though I haven't attempted an international comparison.)
| Realistically, there is no way the GNU Mailman project can comply given | our available resources. One outcome could be that our downstream | consumers take over that responsibility. Another is that volunteers in | our community step up with offers to provide us with their expertise, | guidance,
Well, hopefully I've provided a little input and am happy to continue to.
| and code. We will welcome such volunteers and help ensure | that the legal requirements align with project goals, sensibilities, and | timelines. | | So, if you want to see a GDPR compliant GNU Mailman, please find some | people to help us.
I'm less pessimistic.
For those that have seen the requirements for the first time, it's entirely understandable to react to it coming-in left-of-field and see it as daunting.
However some of the changes required may, with a little consideration, be seen to be not as extensive as first feared; and others, to be a good idea.
| | Cheers, | -Barry |