On Mar 6, 2008, at 2:34 PM, Kenneth Porter wrote:
On Wednesday, March 05, 2008 5:54 PM -0500 Barry Warsaw <barry@list.org
Mark's the release manager for 2.1, but FWIW I completely agree with Stephen about this. What I would suggest though is that this information be put in a prominent place on the wiki. We have a security space with nothing substantial in it, so I suggest we put it here.
This appears to be a read-only space. The add page link on the
dashboard is grey and there's no Edit tab on the main page.
Try it now. At one point I thought the entire space should be write
restricted to just the core developers, but I think that's misguided.
I've opened up the permissions and we can lock specific pages if/when
we find that necessary.
- -Barry
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