Dec. 28, 2001
11:40 p.m.
"DM" == Dan Mick <dmick@utopia.West.Sun.COM> writes:
>> putting ADMINDB_PAGE_TEXT_LIMIT = -1 in mm_cfg.py to view all
>> the message to be approved, seems to not work properly.
DM> ...in 2.1 CVS. Yup, seems to be the case. I've filed a bug
DM> with a fix that works for me (to be made much more elegant
DM> by Barry :)
And at long last, I've added Dan's fix. ;)
I was putting this off until I finished the admindb.py rewrite, but that's now almost complete. I should be checking in the new admindb.py code shortly.
The nicest bit about the new stuff is that it now shows just an overview of the old messages, sorted by sender. You can then drill down into all the messages held by that sender, or a specific held message (for now, getting the old list view).
The overview stuff is integrated with the sender filters so you can do stuff like discard all the messages from a particular sender, at the same time, adding them to the auto-discard sender filter.
Should be very cool!
Cheers, -Barry