On 12-09-17 11:39 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Terri Oda writes:
That said, I'm tentatively planning a personal postorious hackathon all day Saturday the 22nd. If anyone wants to join me, I'll be on #mailman on freenode!
I don't think I can join but maybe .... Could you be a bit more specific than "all day" (especially time zone)? *laugh* That would help, wouldn't it?
I'm in US Mountain daylight time, which is UTC -600 I think?
I hadn't really set myself a schedule yet, but I'll probably be testing my setup and doing some prelim stuff on Friday night my time (probably 8pm mountain/2am saturday UTC or later) and then actually hacking starting sometime around 11am mountain/5pm UTC on Saturday probably running 'till around 11pm or later with some breaks for errands.
If I recall your time zone correctly, my evening is your morning, so if you want to stop by and argue with me, we should overlap Saturday morning for you/Fri night for me and ditto for Sunday/Saturday the next day.
Possibly helpful (I'm in Albuquerque, and the rest of you can add your own time zones):