On Mar 26, 2008, at 2:30 PM, Lew Wolfgang wrote:
Jo Rhett wrote:
More to the point, I solved this problem for the Navy. 2.5
MILLION e- mail accounts, and they needed to stop accepting e-mail for accounts which didn't exist.I assume you're talking NMCI. I just tested this by sending to a
bogus NMCI address from .com and .mil (non-NMCI) and in both cases the bogus messages were accepted by NMCI. This has always been a major issue
with NMCI and has caused many problems. Good for you if you fixed it,
but it still seems to be broken from my end of the Navy.
I have no idea who NMCI is. They might have changed acronyms. At
the time it was Navsea, SEA-05 (and SEA-04 administration). It was
also a ccMail gateway. My god, I hope they aren't still using that ;-)
Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source
and other randomness