It occurred to me that I could provide a little more information in case someone else wants to do what I've done in using virtual domains with mailman. I left out a few steps in my synopsis below. If anyone wants me to post a more complete recipe, let me know. I'll put up better instructions once I figure out what's wrong with what I've done.
I DID put a symbolic link to /home/mailman/mail/wrapper in my /etc/smrsh directory so that smrsh could find the wrapper file. I left that out below. I THINK that wrapper runs okay, but when I su to mail and then run it with "wrapper mailcmd test" I get "sh: wrapper: command not found". I'm guessing that means wrapper can't find its way to the scripts directory, but I'm not sure why not, or whether that's the problem that causes sendmail to deposit the missive "operating system error" in my queued mail files.
All in all, if it only worked it'd be Really, Really Elegant. No, really.
Dave Klingler
I set up several virtual domains on a separate storage server, with their own copies of sendmail called by a daemon that in turn is called by inetd that's part of the virtfs package.
I set up separate copies of mailman in each, and because they will be called/used by both apache (which doesn't use chroot) and sendmail (which does) I created a nice long symbolic link from a directory hung off the virtual root called /storage/virtual/domainA/home/mailman to the virtual /home/mailman directory. That way both apache and the chrooted sendmail can find their way to the mailman files, which have been set up with the --prefix= /storage/virtual/domainA/home/mailman option in configure.
I've spent many hours trying to figure out why it doesn't work this way. I need to go buy the O'Reilly Python book, I guess. Somehow mail to gets black-holed with "operating system error" and I haven't figured out why.
There you have it. I hope my concrete example of one of your hypothetical situations helps, and if anyone takes pity on me and figures out why I'm dysfunctional I'd be really grateful.
Thanks! Dave Klingler
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