On Mar 25, 2008, at 10:10 AM, Jason Pruim wrote:
But how would you scale that to the size of say... yahoo? Multiple data centers around the world, all processing mail for different domains under yahoo's control... How would one be able to synchronize all that data from tons of different places like that?
Your disbelief has no relevance. Yahoo does do it.
More to the point, I solved this problem for the Navy. 2.5 MILLION e-
mail accounts, and they needed to stop accepting e-mail for accounts
which didn't exist.
To put this in perspective, I did this on a 386/25 processor with 16
megabytes of main memory in 1992.
It's not a hard problem, and *every* modern mail system handles this
Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source
and other randomness