Line 53 in eml_confirm.py
is: new_token, token_owner, member = ISubscriptionManager(mlist).confirm(token)
I checked the return of function confirm
of class ISubscriptionManager
in /mailman/src/interfaces/subscriptions.py
which says -->
A 3-tuple is returned where the first element is the token
hash, the second element is a TokenOwner`, and the third element is the subscribed member. If the subscriber got subscribed immediately, the token will be None and the member will be an
IMember``. If the subscription is still being held, the token
will be a hash and the member will be None.
But this doesn't say anything of unsubscription??
Even if it does, the returns I'm getting are not in conjunction to what is written over there. I'm getting a token hash AS WELL AS a member which is thus raising the error.