My name is Elias Assarsson and I am interested in doing a GSoC project for Mailman. The idea I found most interesting is Scripts for migrating from Mailman 2.1 to Mailman 3 http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/Google+Summer+of+Code+2013#GoogleSummerofCo... . Where can I more information about this idea?
I do not know if it is a good idea but I am thinking that using Augeas http://augeas.net might be a way to handle the migration of configuration from one format to another. For instance I found the following https://www.redhat.com/archives/augeas-devel/2012-January/msg00050.html when researching the idea. I have no experience with Augeas but this might be a good opportunity to learn it. I do however have experience with Python (and other scripting languages such as Ruby). Any input or help in developing this idea would be welcome.
Some things about me. I am a GNU/Linux user for almost ten year and a student in computer science courses in Sweden. If you want to know more, please ask.
Regards, Elias Assarsson