Hi everyone,
Here's an update for week 8:
For this week, I wrote the first two sections of Documentation Checklist:
- Introduction
- Why Should Users Read the Guide
Since it’s almost review week, I tried to access GitLab to upload my work. Unfortunately, my university blocks GitLab. I’m not sure why but it took me a week to figure that out. I thought the website was down for a week. But when it showed the same error as accessing a gaming website, I knew they blocked it.
My second challenge is probably trying to find a time to write despite having mid term papers, assignments, projects, and establishing a club in campus. It was tough but not impossible.
Week 8 update can be viewed here: https://medium.com/@ariessa_norramli/google-season-of-docs-week-8-update-520bb8a50dec?source=friends_link&sk=f7dde5e874914fb486b7147f5d5bd7e9
Thank you.
Best Regards, Ariessa Norramli