I've uploaded a patch for pythonlib/email/Header.py https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=384680&aid=687338&group_id=25568 patching in the install dir would be OK because the installer doesn't seem to overwrite it in the next make install of mailman.
Tokio Kikuchi wrote:
I have no problem with the subject getting wrapped ... however I do have a problem with the WAY the subject is getting wrapped.
In the examples I posted, the messages entire subject was getting wrapped to another line ... it was not getting wrapped when the text exceeded a specific length. This has the affect of making most mail client software (that I'm using, Eudora and Squirrelmail) showing a blank subject or just the subject prefix.
MUA developers should take care the RFC. In RFC-2822,
subject = "Subject:" unstructured CRLF unstructured = *([FWS] utext) [FWS] ..., any CRLF that appears in FWS is semantically "invisible."
So, any MUA which treat the folding CR/LF as a meaningful line separation is not RFC compliant.
I know it's weired but will take a lot of hacking because this is caused by email package on which mailman relies.
-- Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi@ is.kochi-u.ac.jp http://weather.is.kochi-u.ac.jp/