Tokio: Didn't help ... it seems to have something to do with the length of the subject line. A long subject gets wrapped around to the next line of the message. david At 12:45 AM 2/9/2003, Tokio Kikuchi wrote:
Try this patch.
--- CookHeaders.py.orig Sun Feb 9 15:13:27 2003 +++ CookHeaders.py Sat Feb 8 15:06:46 2003 @@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ # tracked (e.g. internally crafted, delivered to a single user such as the # list admin). prefix = mlist.subject_prefix + if not prefix: + return subject = msg.get('subject', '') # Try to figure out what the continuation_ws is for the header if isinstance(subject, Header):
-- | Internet: david@midrange.com | WWW: http://david.fallingrock.net | AIM: MidrangeMan | | We're not in the middle of nowhere... | we're on the outskirts of everywhere! | - DMRoth (adapted)