29 Jul
29 Jul
10:46 p.m.
"DD" == Dan Delaney <Dionysos@Dionysia.org> writes:
DD> Unfortunately the MUAs out there do a crappy job of this. Look
DD> at how many messages you get with things like "Re: Fwd: RE:"
DD> in the subject. I get a lot, and it's awefully annoying.
I agree, but trying to work around every f*cked up MUA (let alone MTA, let alone Web browser, let alone OS) will keep us all very busy for a very long time! Okay, maybe I'm being extreme... :)
DD> Anyway. What would be nice would be a radio button option in
DD> the General Options to choose between the existing routine,
DD> which simply checks to see if the Prefix is already present in
DD> the subject, and a the more aggressive subject cleanup
DD> routine.
I'm very leary about adding even more configuration options to the Web interface. I'd like to /simplify/ the interfaces as much as possible. That's the beauty of having the source though, isn't it? :)