On Mar 29, 2021, at 8:07 AM, Steven Chen <chenquanwen1677@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Mailman Developers,
This is Steven1677(https://gitlab.com/Steven1677) on GitLab. I want to contribute to the mailman3 project as a GSoC student.
Welcome Steven!
I am starting to write my proposal for GSoC. I wonder whether our personal information will go public if we send the proposal to the this mail list? I fully understand that applying for GSoC requires such information, but I think the personal contact information (like phone number, email addresses) should be only available to the members of the developer team instead of the whole internet.
Hence, I am asking whether the whole proposal (including the basic information of the student) should be sent to this mail list?
You don’t have to share anything on the public list that you are not comfortable sharing, including your personal information.
AFAIK, it is only Google that needs that information to verify if you are a student and (maybe!) your mentors to have your cell phone number just in case they need to get in touch with you after your selection for some reason. I don’t think that second part is necessary either, but your mentors will have access to the application with your personal info.
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)