On Friday 31 October 2003 22:30, Brad Knowles wrote:
Right now we're receiving messages over a pipe and as far as I see we're not using any environment or command line parameter (beside the script name) so where's this SMTP magic?
You mean the envelope sender address? The IP address of the envelope sender?
yes, I mean exactly this, we're not retrieving them, neither by command line options nor by environment variables. Doing it would probably be MTA-specific (i.e. less portable).
I want also to point you to the USE_ENVELOPE_SENDER parameter in Defaults.py and to the get_sender method in Mailman/Message.py, where this parameter is only used to decide in which priority order we read "From:" and "Sender:" from the message header.
Yup. Fetchmail loses exactly the same information, in exactly the same way. As soon as the message is written to a mailbox somewhere, you lose the envelope information. So, retrieving the mailbox via POP3 doesn't work.
I perfectly know what you mean, the fact is that over the pipe we get exactly a mailbox format (but without the leading "From " line) so according to you Mailman 2.1 doesn't work either! What are you trying to demonstrate?
-- Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit -- Ovidio