Respected Developers, I am Aditya Komaravolu (Gitlab profile: https://gitlab.com/Aditya-Komaravolu), a second year student pursuing Bachelor of Technology from Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, India. I have done a few small contributions to the organization and I am confident enough that I will be able to contribute in a better way by learning from the mentors/developers of the organisation. GSoC is a very good opportunity to learn, bind and code with the community. I am very much interested to participate in GSoC 2021 for Mailman as a student. I would love to work for the project "Improved UI for Subscription Management " given in ( https://wiki.list.org/DEV/Google%20Summer%20of%20Code%202021). I really want to know what I should be learning to contribute/move in the direction of this project. Any support from your end would be highly appreciated !
Thank you, Aditya.